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Share Your Memories

We invite you to share your memories and thoughts about Kim for her family and friends to share. 


If you have pictures that you would like to share, please email them to us at: and we will add to the front page album.


Thoughts from Lorie, Chad & Family: (see pics in front page album)
We are so terribly saddened to hear of Kim's passing!  She was an inspiration to me and my family, and we loved spreading her passion to others. Her ideas were like ripples and will continue to live on.
I have often felt like she was looking over my shoulder and now I KNOW that she is truly watching me.  I will move forward with her as my guiding light posing the question, What Would Kim Do?

My son Chad made mats and donated themto SPIN (Serving People In Need) for the homeless as a part of his Eagle Scout Project.

We always tried to give her credit for the project but she always declined to attend the events.  She was too humble to accept all of the accolades she deserved!  10,000 Plastic Bags Later, He's an Eagle Scout.

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